The story follows a young editor named Ritsu who works for his father’s publishing company. This series title gives it some pretty big expectations to fulfill, but it lives up to them. What’s best is that it has quite a few couples to keep you occupied so that no singular story becomes stale. You get a lot of that steamy sexual tension as well as the dominant-submissive relationships that are typical of yaoi stories. Throughout its multiple different seasons, Junjou Romantica tells the stories of multiple different couples. Junjo Romantica is the most popular pure yaoi series.
Like with the yuri list, it is best to start with the most popular, right? Just so you can get to watching it right away if you haven’t seen it already. So if you are in the market for yaoi anime just to see what it is about or to feed an obsession that has been years in the making, here are a few choices to try.
There are quite a few theories out there on why women are so enticed by man-on-man relationships, but the fact that a good yaoi anime can open up the flood gates and create a thirst that will never be quelled. While many people enjoy yaoi, its fan base is widely heterosexual females who enjoy it for a variety of reasons. Ah, boy love – so dramatic, so emotional, and so on occasion very rape-y.